Senate to finalize spending

Student Senate will vote to allocate more than $5,000 to cover the costs from First Night.

A new piece of legislation will designate $5,538 to cover expenses for First Night. The senate originally budgeted $4,995 for the event.

Some line items cost more than expected while others were less.

For example, $600 was budgeted for an electrician, but only $243 was spent. Originally, $2,000 was allocated for t-shirts, but $2,500 was spent. Over $600 was spent on promotional gift cards and flashlights, breaking the $500 originally budgeted.

Despite the total expenses being higher than projected, the senate is still in the green because of donations.

“Due to donations, $2,000 less than budgeted was spent,” said Speaker of the Senate Kent Ohms. “The [first] budget was assuming zero donations. The bill is asking for $5,538.98 minus the donations.”

Donations totalling $2,700 were given to the senate for First Night. The donations came from Alumni Services, Parent’s Club, the Office of Orientation, and the Office of Minority Affairs.

On the First Night budget, the donations were not listed as being a part of the $4,995, but they were listed as being subtracted from the actual amount spent.

“In the actual Student Senate budget, the donations fell under items,” Ohms said.

In additional to the First Night legislation, the senate will address the off-campus senate seat vacated by Matt Forcum. The seat has not had any applicants, as of Monday.

“The deadline was for this Wednesday, but the deadline may be pushed back until next Wednesday,” Ohms said.

A final vote is expected for the $68.25 to cover the food purchased for the senate orientation.

Besides reports from the executive board and committee chairs, the senate will approve appointments of student representatives to the Faculty Senate and the Council of Academic Affairs.

Tonight’s meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Arcola/Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. The meeting is open to all students.