A week of celebration for halls

Campus housing will be in the spotlight during Eastern’s first Residence Hall Week, which will last from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4.

“It’s about celebrating on-campus halls, students on campus and the councils,” said J.C. Miller, Residence Hall Association secretary.

RHA is hosting events throughout the week in hopes to “unite the campus,” said Heather Long, vice president for diversity and programming for RHA.

“RHA’s mission is to offer joint programming activities of the member council and to act as a joint governing body for the member halls,” Miller said. “This week is not just for RHA members.”

All of the events are open to campus except for RHA Bowling night, said RHA President Lindsey DiPietro.

“It’s a great way to meet new people and showcase the fun parts of on-campus life.” DiPietro said.

Marshmallow Assassins is the first event of the week. It will begin at 7 p.m. Monday in the Triad, where players will meet to learn the rules of the game. If it rains, the game will begin in Stevenson Hall’s lobby.

Because each player has to know the person they are to “assassinate,” this game might be a good way of uniting the campus, Long said.

Each player is given a name of the player they are to “assassinate.” They are given one hour to complete the task by finding their victim and hitting them with a marshmallow, in a nonviolent way, Long said.

Once a player is hit with a marshmallow, he or she is out of the game. The game continues until only one person is left. Sometimes, the last two people left have each other’s names and the tie must be broken in another way, such as a video game duel or another game, Long said.

A surprise will be awarded to the winner, Long said.

Another activity RHA and University Board’s Special Events Committee will co-host is a scholastic bowl at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the basement of Andrews Hall.

Teams from different residence halls will meet to compete in a trivia competition. Questions will cover topics ranging from history and literature to the history of Eastern and entertainment, Long said.

Eastern’s Pride organization is hosting a drag show at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union to raise awareness about AIDS. Pride is a group for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, those with other alternative lifestyles and their allies to get together and talk about issues and topics that affect them, according to Pride’s Web site. There will be a $3 door charge to attend the show.

On Thursday, RHA members will be auctioned off to lucky bidders at 8 p.m. in the basement classroom in Thomas Hall during a date auction. Bidders will try for a chance to go on a date or just go have fun with RHA members.

The money raised by the auction will go toward scholarships that will be available to members of RHA at the end of the year.

RHA Bowling Night will be from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the University Bowling Lanes. Members of RHA will get free shoe rentals. Others who wish to participate may contact their residence hall’s RHA representative, Long said.

Saturday, there will be an RHA dance at the 7th Street Underground from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $3 and can be purchased from the front desk in any of the residence halls, Miller said.

Tickets in advance are available until Thursday afternoon, and also at the door before the dance, Long said.

“We hope that everyone who lives in the residence halls will participate,” said Erin McGovern, RHA vice president. “We want this to become an annual week of fun programs for all halls.”