Tent City reaches out to alumni

Alumni will get a chance to visit their old professors and grab free food at Tent City this Saturday before the football game.

Tent City has been an annual event for nearly ten years said Dan Crews, director of publications for the College of Arts and Humanities.

“It’s a gathering spot where faculty, students, staff and returning alumni can meet and interact with one another,” he said.

Each college will have its own 20-to 40-foot covered tent open to the public from 11 a.m. until game time, Crews said.

Tent City, sponsored by the Alumni office, will be a chance for colleges to “reach out to their alumni,” said Jonathan McKenzie, assistant director of alumni service. Department chairs, faculty and staff will all be at their respective tents, so people can meet with them throughout the afternoon and find out what’s happening on campus, McKenzie and Crews said.

“The alumni association provides tents at no charge to the colleges,” McKenzie said.

All of the different academic departments will be showcased, he said. The colleges will also be giving away a lot of free stuff.

The College of Arts and Humanities will be serving ham and beans with a side of cornbread, Crews said. The Alumni Association will have hamburgers and chips, all free of charge, McKenzie said.

Among the groups that will have tents are University Housing, the Alumni Association, the graduate school, the school of continuing education and the different colleges that house students’ majors.