Council to decide on parking

Council members will vote whether to approve a no parking ordinance for A Street from Jackson to Harrison Tuesday.

During the Sept. 2 meeting, members amended the ordinance closing A Street from Jackson to VanBuren Streets, adding an additional block.

Council Members Lorelei Sims and Larry Rennels said at the previous meeting that the Harrison to VanBuren block is the same width and parking should be limited there as well.

Mayor Dan Cougill said the ordinance was developed because parking along A Street permitted school buses from traveling the road freely.

Since council amended the ordinance it was placed on file for public inspection until this meeting.

“I haven’t gotten any phone calls at all,” Cougill said.

Also on the council agenda is a resolution permitting closure of sections of Smith Drive, Fifteenth Street, Harrison, Seventh Street, Monroe and Sixth Street for the Charleston High School Homecoming Parade from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Oct. 2.

A “naming policy” resolution for parks and recreations facilities is also on the agenda.

This policy outlines who and what facilities can be named after.

“We called around to other communities and asked what their policy was,” Cougill said. “They said, ‘we don’t have one, please send us a copy of yours when you get one’.”

Under the policy, persons or entities donating significant sums of money toward the facility can be included in its name.

Also, facilities can be named after anyone deemed important as long as that person is “not in a position of influence,” Cougill said.

“Let’s say a football coach has won 400 games and lost two, and we want to name the new field after that coach,” he said. “The field can only be named after him once he is not a coach there.”

The city council meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Jackson Avenue.

City Editor Carly Mullady can be reached at [email protected]