Parking spaces switched up after summer construction

Eastern lost some and gained some parking spaces over the summer because of construction projects.

Thomas Hall lost its entire parking lot to the new Human Services building. The lot east of the Tarble Arts Center has been taken over by renovations to the building.

University Police Department Lt. John Hatfill said roughly 15 student spaces were lost from Thomas, while 35 staff spaces have been lost across campus.

Faculty, staff and construction workers are using 21 spaces at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Ninth Street to compensate for the loss at Tarble, which was a staff and student lot.

Hatfill said student complaints are pretty standard for the first week. The lots are extremely congested and there is confusion, especially with new students.

“It’s nothing out of the ordinary,” Hatfill said.

Two hundred to 300 vehicles in the lots are without stickers and will be brought home this weekend, he said. The cars were brought here for move-in.

After the weekend, parking will improve, Hatfill said.

“That’s why we don’t ticket student lots the first week,” he said. “When I say we don’t ticket student lots, I mean we don’t check student lots for permits.”

Hatfill said two or three accidents have happened this week because people are parking on the ends of the lot without leaving enough room to negotiate turns.

The J lot, north of O’Brien Stadium, has fenced off 40 to 50 student spaces,which will be open next week, Hatfill said. The spaces are closed just this week because of the new turf installation.