Former Eastern student could go to Iraq

Lucinda Hamilton first dropped out of Eastern’s Board of Trustees Degree Program.

Then, she withdrew from the spring semester after she was called to Kesler Air Force Base in Mississippi with the Army Reserves.

Hamilton, 37, was attending Eastern part-time before being mobilized to a base in Indiana.

In June, after 12 weeks of mobilization in Mississippi, she will go back to the base and her three sons.

She knew there was a chance she could leave Indiana because of the Iraqi Conflict.

“It was part of a surprise,” Hamilton said. “I kind of figured when there was a build-up beginning (of troops).”

In Indiana and now at the Air Force base, she is working with military finance.

She said she is in training now, processing military pay, civilian pay and travel vouchers, among other activities.

All deployed personnel have to file a travel voucher every month.

“We’ve got mounds of paper everywhere. You could not imagine,” she said.

While there is a small chance

Hamilton could go overseas, she said if that’s what it comes to, she is ready.

“I don’t know if I necessary agree with the conflict right now, but I know I volunteered – It’s a job,” she said. “I don’t complain.”

Hamilton said her days now consist of class from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. and with her free time she works out.

Eventually, she wants to attend Eastern full time.

Her husband, Bill Hamilton, is retired from the military.

He said he is not happy with reactions to the conflict.

“I’m glad we’re doing it,” Bill said. “I’m upset with other countries and the people in the U.S. who aren’t supportive because eventually we’re going to have to fight terrorism.”

He said he would not be nervous if his wife is called overseas.

“The thing to do is hope, pray and support the troops,” he said.