Editorial Cartoon: Iraq- The best reality show ever

Student Senate will host an International Relations forum Monday night in response to the Iraq conflict.

“The forum will consist of two parts; getting the students opinions on the war, and a question-and-answer session,” Lindsey Baum, chair of the Student Senate Student Relations Committee, said. “Students will have the opportunity to ask various political science professors questions. We will discuss the long-term effects the war will have,” Baum said.

The forum will take place at 8 p.m. in the Charleston-Mattoon Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Bill Davidson, Senate Speaker, hosts the forum .

“We will be asking questions and stimulating conversation and debate over continuous issues the world is dealing with,” Davidson said. “There will be students from the International Student Organization, and students from Kuwait and Asia. Through the discussion we should get insight on what people from other countries have to say.”