Editorial Cartoon

Tuesday’s City Council meeting will feature the amendment of the city manager form of government’s stipulations for city attorney responsibilities.

When Charleston changed from a commission form of government to the city manager form, the city neglected to properly adjust Title 1 ordinances outlining the city attorney’s position.

The city is attempting to make local statutes “accurately mirror state statutes,” said City Manager Alan Probst.

Probst said these statutes specify what the city manager is permitted to do in consideration of the attorney. One thing permitted is the manager’s ability to hire outside attorneys.

The statutes also outline what the city attorney is required to do during his or her term.

Also, the council will address public inspection files from the March 4 meeting regarding ambulance service billing and tabled city code book amendments as well as several new topics.

Tabled city code book amendments outlined specifications for dealing with hazardous materials and environmentally damaging substances. Under the amendment, those who spill hazardous materials would have to pay for all cleaning and disposing costs related to the spill.

Regulations for the storage and movement of hazardous materials also are outlined within the code book amendment.

The council motioned to table this topic so all issues with hazardous materials could be evaluated.