Let’s go attack Iraq now

Some European countries sling every name in the book at the United States. Warmongers, aggressors, power hungry Joes and maybe even Great Satan, they shout.

They thumb their noses at us and fart in our general direction.

But their name calling is unjust because the United States, aided by many of those countries that cry foul, should go to war to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction.

What more does Iraq have to do?

During the 12 years since the Gulf War Conflict, Iraqi leadership has done almost nothing to appease the United Nations. Iraq broke sanctions, it misled weapons inspectors and more importantly it was found to be in material breach of several UN resolutions.

Inspectors aren’t detectives and they shouldn’t be expected to sniff out weapons. Iraqi officials need to show them the weapons. It doesn’t take a Sherlock to see the purpose for going to war is elementary.

The UN shouldn’t simply sit back and let Iraq get away with evil.

Drawing up another resolution or wasting more time with more ineffective inspections compares to putting Iraq in the corner timeout chair.

Don’t call Iraq a problem child.

The country and its leaders play like rats that should be rooted out, not grounded.

The term regime change angers many, and it should. Weapons need to go first; then Iraq can figure out who should lead it.

The United States has made regime changes before. The most recent was the Taliban rule of Afghanistan which America supported during the 1980s. We’ve already seen the outcome of that action.

Instead, Sadaam should be forced into exile by his own people — not a stretch in logic. If Iraq loses the war, the people of Iraq, who have been continually oppressed and will likely again be used as human shields, Sadaam’s power vaporizes.

But how can we justify sending off sons and daughters and other loved ones overseas?

Because it’s the right thing to do.

My best friend from high school ships off to Turkey this week as part of a Patriot missile unit. He’s fighting a war he agrees with, and I believe he can fend for himself. I’m not worried, but his deployment tests my stance on the war as I’m sure it does thousands of friends, fathers and mothers across the country.

Iraq remains a valid threat and has ties to terrorists. Secretary of State Colin Powell earlier this month showed reams of evidence revealing Iraqi schemes to evade weapons inspectors.

Powell’s report showed a clear link to an Al Qaeda associate and showed a terrorist training camp in northeastern Iraq. He revealed evidence showing production of Anthrax and other chemical agents. He said one small vial of Anthrax can cause thousands of casualties.

But many would let it slide. They say Iraq has a history of deceit and wonder why now is any different.

So how many vials of Anthrax need to be produced? How much VX nerve gas should we let Iraq store? Iraq had used such agents on its own people. What’s stopping the country from using them on us?

Iraq must disarm now. North Korea also should take steps as should Iran, India and Pakistan. The United States targets Iraq now because the country currently poses the biggest threat.

How alert do Americans need to be before taking action?

Americans are on code Orange, high alert. Living under Code Red isn’t the American way. We can’t keep living in fear.

Americans have much more to fear than fear itself these days, and a war against Iraq would vaporize plenty of that fear.