First budget director candidate visits campus

During an open meeting Tuesday, Frank Papke explained his management style, plans for the future and his reason for applying at Eastern.

Papke is the first of four candidates interviewed for the position of university budget director. He answered questions Tuesday from business office members and people from various areas of business across campus.

“I’ve always wanted to get an upper-level management position at a four-year university,” Papke said. “I felt this was a great opportunity and Eastern is a quality institution.”

He said if the job were offered and he accepted, he would have an open door policy.

“If someone has a problem, come in and see me. Don’t let it fester. I like to keep open communication.”

If he was offered the position, he sees himself staying at Eastern for years to come, he said.

“I personally feel this would be the right fit for me and you people will let me know if it is or not,” Papke said.

Diane Ingle, assistant to the dean of the College of Business and Applied Sciences, said a helpful staff would be available if Papke were chosen.

“Anything you need they can get for you, and do get you. In my opinion they’re the epitome of customer service.”

Papke said he sees the position as being part of a team.

“It’s a team effort and I like to think I’m just one piece of the team.”

The next candidate to visit campus will be Max Kerlin, current director of resource management at the University of New Mexico. Kerlin will be involved in an open session from 11 a.m. to noon Friday in the Effingham Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.