‘Barbie Nation’ looks at dolls impact

The Women’s Studies program will present a film titled “Barbie Nation” Monday at 5 p.m. in the Women’s Resource Center.

“Barbie Nation” is a look at the Barbie doll and what the world’s most popular toy reveals on attitudes about sexuality, body image and gender roles. The film also examines the life of Barbie’s creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler, a press release stated.

Lynnea Magnuson, assistant professor of history, said “Barbie Nation” is a documentary of the history of Barbie and the different advertising of the doll.

“(‘Barbie Nation’) is about how Barbie has been marketed and what she means to different populations,” Magnuson said. “It’s about how she’s used by different people; for example how adults collect Barbie dolls because they had them as children.”

The film shows how Barbie reflects the culture of various time periods, Magnuson said.

The film is part of the Women’s Studies Program’s Gender and Popcorn Film Series. It is free and open to the public.