Eastern’s crowned glory

In the starlit Lantz Arena Monday, students, candidates and parents anxiously awaited the new “stars” of Eastern. When John Scaletta of Lamda Chi Alpha was announced King and Shelly Molt of Sigma Kappa was announced Queen, the crowd’s roar explained these stars crowning. First runner-ups are Brian Buesing of Stevenson Hall/RHA and Mary Uremovic of Alpha Phi.

Earlier in this starry evening the crowning of prince Michael Giampaolo of Sigma Pi and princess Sarah Littlejohn of Delta Zeta excited the viewers. Giampaolo is a sophomore speech major and his princess is currently a sophomore majoring in marketing.

The evening started off with the introduction from homecoming chair, Eric Zilch, and homecoming chair-elect, Chelsea Frederick. Zilch and Frederick’s jokes kept the crowd in “high” spirits as the two laughed about one another’s height.

This year’s coronation ceremony was about “Being a Star” in a game show. Going along with this year’s homecoming theme “Life is a Game show at EIU,” candidates where asked questions concerning these themes: “Have you ever felt like a star?” “What game show would you like to be on?” and “What would you like for a grand prize?”

The candidates answers entertained the crowd as they approached the stage. Luke Freeman of Pi Kappa Alpha chose the “Price is Right” because he finds Bob Barker to be the “Hugh Hefner” of game shows. Princess Littlejohn said she felt like a star when her sorority won airband last year. Each answer kept the crowd waiting.

In the end , the honor of being crowned left these stars overwhelmed. King John Scaletta said that “He is going to miss beer breakfast and represent his Greek Community” for this title. He also said “he feels very lucky to have great friends that voted for him.”