Family Fun Night to bring casino games, bingo

Back by popular demand, the University Board will sponsor “Family Fun Night” from 8 to 11 p.m. Friday in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

This year, an array of games, prizes and giveaways will be offered for students and families in honor of Family Weekend.

Fun seekers can try their luck at an inflatable money machine and casino games such as roulette, black jack, craps and poker.

Slot machines will also be available at the “casino.”

“We’ll have anything you can find at a casino,” UB Chair Caleb Judy said. “It’s all free, and it’s fake money, but it’s just for fun.”

The featured family interactive activities include “EIU Family Feud” and “Bingo Bonanza.”

Bingo players have a chance to win prizes including tickets to a Chicago Bears game and a year’s worth of free oil changes, Judy said.

The free event is appropriate for all ages, and refreshments will served. Judy said “Family Fun Night” was a big success last year.

“It was a lot of fun, and the ballroom was completely packed,” he said.

“Family Fun Night” is co-sponsored by EIU Parents Club and the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union Bookstore.