Senate tables bills to give AB funds to UB

The Student Senate Wednesday discussed and tabled several pieces of legislation in addition to passing two previously tabled bills and two resolutions.

Four bills for allocating money from the Apportionment Board reserve account to the University Board and the senate were presented and tabled. The allocations were approved at last week’s AB meeting.

Three allocations will go to the UB to cover expenses not originally budgeted for. One is a line item transfer for $12,000 to be transferred from the graduate assistantship budget into the concert budget to cover debt from hosting the Cirque Eos during parent’s weekend. The $12,000 for a graduate assistant position that has not been filled.

A second bill allocates $5,586.64 to cover the rest of the parent’s weekend debt. This is a gift the UB will not have to pay back, Jen Fanthorpe, AB chair and vice president for financial affairs, told the senate Wednesday.

A third installment would allocate $2,669.90 for production crew payroll and a tuition waiver for the productions coordinator. Due to the number of UB productions put on last semester, money budgeted for the whole year was spent in the fall semester. In addition, a tuition waiver for the productions coordinator was not budgeted for the spring semester.

The fourth bill allocates $2,100 for senate members to present at the Conference on Student Government Associations.

A bylaw proposed to modify the relationship between senate members and Recognized Student Organizations was tabled Wednesday.

Under the current proposal a survey would be conducted to assess which RSOs wanted senate representation. Based on results, RSOs would be assigned equally to each senate member.

The second part of this bylaw involves an informational meeting to take place three to four times per semester, similar to the RSO Council, but different because it would focus on a specific topic rather than the format of the RSO Council.

The senate also, after extensive debate, passed a resolution asking the director of Housing and Dining and the Bond Revenue Committee to make a presentation before the senate detailing the proposed room and board rates before they are recommended to Eastern’s vice president for student affairs.

The second resolution passed Wednesday asks student government members to encourage non-members to participate on student government committees.

Two bills were passed to cover expenses for senate members attending the Conference on Student Government Associations Feb. 23 to 26 and the Illinois Board of Higher Education Student Action Committee meeting in Danville this weekend.