Workshop teaches better roommate relations

Eastern students learned some tips on how to handle problematic roommates and situations Wednesday at the “That Roommate Thing” workshop.

Linda Anderson, a counselor at the Counseling Center, led the workshop in the Effingham room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Anderson encouraged audience participation from the circle of students to help solve the roommate problems.

A girl, who wished to remain anonymous, said a common problem for her was the issue of respect. She said her roommate turned the lights on late at night and moved her belongings around. She said she tried to talk to her calmly, but nothing was accomplished. Her roommate continued this usual behavior.

Anderson, along with some of the other students, offered the girl some advice. Anderson said she should look at her options – talking to the assistant resident director, becoming angry toward the roommate, ignoring the roommate or talking to the roommate.

“You must empower yourself. If you attempt to do something to better the situation, you are doing the adult thing,” Anderson said.

If the solution is to talk to your roommate, use “I” statements and try to compromise, Anderson said. Ask the problem causer what can I do to make the situation better, or what did I do that you did not like, she said.

The roommate will see the blame is not placed on her/him, but on the person initiating the discussion.

Another roommate problem is laziness. Another student complained about one of her roommates who does not help clean the apartment.

Making chore lists containing penalties and holding roommate meetings can help the situation, Anderson said.

“Sometimes problems will continue, and one has to be the person who accepts things are not going change. Just be able to live with you,” Anderson said.