RHA revisits microwave issue, may add more non-smoking floors

The Residence Hall Association Thursday will discuss issues concerning hall configurations and it will also take nominations for a new secretary, RHA President Kevin Leverence said Wednesday.

Antoher proposal to be voted on is ending the contract with Microfridge, Leverence said. Housing officials have recently brought up the idea of ending the contract with Microfridge, which leases students microfridges, and are considering allowing students to bring their own microwaves into the dorms. Currently, the only microwaves allowed are the Microfridges.

Council representatives of halls with limited visitation will report if their respective halls decided to move visitation hours to 11 a.m. rather than at noon, Leverence said. This was discussed last week and must be voted on by each hall in order to take effect in that hall. Changes in visitation hours will begin this fall.

A recommendation is sought on changing one female floor in Taylor Hall to a male floor, due to increased housing applications, Leverence said. Male spaces this year were almost full, and with increased housing applications, the housing staff anticipates a need for more male spaces next year.

The RHA will also vote on a proposal to change the deadlines for changing meal plans, Leverence said. The new deadlines would be Sept. 15 for the fall semester and Jan. 15 for the spring semester.

The RHA will also vote on converting additional floors to non-smoking in Andrews, Lawson, Carman, Lincoln and Douglas halls, Leverence said. The proposal calls for making Lawson entirely smoke free. It also would add one more non-smoking floor in Andrews, Lincoln and Douglas.

In other business, nominations will be taken for a new secretary, Leverence said. The current secretary, Mariah Martin Dooling, has resigned in her last semester so she can vote, Leverence said. Executive board members are not allowed to vote in RHA.

Leverence said Martin Dooling would stay on as secretary until a replacement is elected.

He is not sure if voting would take place next week or at a later date.

The RHA meets at 5 p.m. in Andrews Hall.