Solving ‘That Roommate Thing’

Students who are butting heads with their roommates are invited to attend the “That Roommate Thing” workshop for some advice.

The workshop will be held Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Effingham Room of the Martin Luther King, Jr. University Union.

“That Roommate Thing” is sponsored by Eastern’s Counseling Center, and Linda Anderson, a member of the Counseling Center faculty, will be the keynote speaker.

Anderson said that this workshop is primarily to prevent explosions between roommates.

“Members of the audience will develop their own individual plans of action to deal with their particular situations,” Anderson said.

Anderson also mentioned that the workshop will incorporate audience participation, but “only by choice.”

Anderson said that if a problem between roommates is not taken care of right away then the conflict can take a toll on other aspects of a student’s life.

“A student can become so irritated that it affects his or her academic pursuits,” Anderson said.

Most roommate conflicts deal with the unequal division of roommate responsibilities, Anderson said.

“Some roommates abuse their roommates’ personal rights,” she said.

Typical problems include boyfriends or girlfriends staying over for extended periods of time, uncleanliness or not paying the bills, Anderson mentioned.

“These types of problems affect people on and off of campus,” she said. “Roommate problems can also involve illegal matters, such as drug and alcohol possession and theft.

“It’s important to take care of these problems correctly.”