Panther Pantry now open

The Panther Pantry was officially opened for business Monday in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union with a new design and more options.

The old lobby shop closed Oct. 30 for renovations, and now offers not only candy but also canned soup along with an available microwave to heat it up, fountain drinks and cookies.

Kara Sanders, a worker at the Panther Pantry, says that there is more to be added to the new shop.

“If enough people request something, they’ll do what they can to get it into the store,” Sanders said.

The shop also has a more spacious set up, the counter and register are in the middle of the room, allowing more space to walk and browse the new editions to the pantry.

There has been a big response about the new design of the lobby shop. Sanders said people have commented on its spaciousness and the new design and set up.

Laura Henderson, a sophomore Marketing major, likes the improvements made to the new Panther Pantry and looks forward to utilizing what it has to offer.

“I really like how nice it turned out to be,” Henderson said. “I like the fact that they brought in more food as well as the microwave. “

Sanders said other students feel the same as Henderson, and she also is excited about the new set up.

“I’m looking forward to working here this semester,” Sanders said.