Blood drive today at Union

The local chapter of the American Red Cross, which services 134 hospitals in 116 counties, will be conducting a blood drive today.

Alpha Phi Omega is sponsoring the American Red Cross Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at the Newman Catholic Center.

Tracy Torbeck, recruitment representative for the American Red Cross local chapter, says her region uses 1,000 units of blood a day and there is always a need to keep supplies steady.

“There has been an outpouring of people since Sept. 11 to help out and contribute,” Torbeck said. “Blood donation is a good way to do that.”

She said the turnout at Eastern blood drives usually varies.

“Seventy-five people could be expected, and 200 could show up,” she said. “The numbers have definitely risen since the Sept. 11 tragedy, but people can only donate every two months. Donations sped up, but eventually slowed down,” she said. “Hopefully donations will speed up again now.”

Every donation helps no matter the blood type, Torbeck said. It is rare to use pure blood and typical to use blood cells, platelets or plasma from various blood donations.

“One way we could save someone’s life, even if we don’t know them, is by giving just one hour of our time every two months, every 56 days, to donate blood,” Torbeck said. “What other way could you think of to save a life in one hour?”

There is no cost to sponsor a blood drive; time to organize and run it are all that is needed, Torbeck said.

Any organizations interested in sponsoring a blood drive should contact Tracy Torbeck at (217) 235-1178.