Faculty Senate discusses methods of dissemination

The Faculty Senate has two primary discussion topics to tackle at today’s meeting.

The first topic of debate involves the methods used to disseminate information re-garding position searches to the campus community.

The second topic is a discussion of proposed changes to the Council on University Planning and Budget’s bylaws.

The senate previously discussed whether “hard” paper copies of information sheets should be distributed when a search is about to take place. Currently, much of this information is sent through e-mail.

While the senate has yet to reach a final decision on the matter, some senate members mentioned last week that perhaps paper copies should be distributed for searches that involve a position of director or higher or for a position that stretches across several university departments.

The topic arose last month when senate member James Tidwell, a journalism professor, noted than a candidate for the position of director of off-campus programming had been on campus, but the interview sessions had been sparsely attended.

Senate members also said that they believe Faculty Senate minutes, which are one of the only weekly documents that are still printed and distributed, maintain a higher readership than other documents which are now only distributed electronically.

The CUPB discussion concerns bylaw changes proposed earlier this semester. The council held a meeting earlier so that executive CUPB members and other interested council members could help suggest changes. Final changes to the bylaws will be discussed at the CUPB’s first regular meeting Friday.

The senate also plans to discuss the CUPB’s agenda for the Friday meeting.