Blood drive activity increases after New York events

The university blood drive saw a noticeable increase in the amount of blood donors Tuesday afternoon following the tragic terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

Nearly 25 people donated blood before noon said officals of the event.

Workers at the blood drive say many people who came in were hoping to help people injured by the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

“I saw the event this morning and it influecned me to come in and donate. I hope some of it makes it there (New York),” said Amy Lynch, a junior family and consumer sciences major.

“New York is the largest blood shortage area in the country,” said Mark St. Clair, a technician at the drive. The city is in need of blood to help those harmed in today’s events.

Anyone interested in donating blood can come to the University Ballroom in the Martin Luthor King Jr. University Union.