The truth will set you free

I think when we elect officials they should have to sign a contract in which they state, “I will not cheat on my spouse while in office.” Hopefully this will help the American press and people stay focused on the issues instead of scandals and lies.

Speaking of lies, when does a man finally come out and tell the truth about his lies. For former president Bill Clinton it took months and months of time before his wife and constituents convinced him he needed to fess up for his adultering ways to save face in the media and with the American people. You all remember his misadventures in which he was almost impeached for having an affair. What a waste of American dollars that was. How could someone who tries to help control our budget not see how much money he helped throw out the window.

Even after he confessed to perjury in hopes of looking better he still is disposed by the American people as many consider him a scrounge and hustler who should not have dishonored the office of the president like he did. I have to say, despite being a Clinton supporter for some time, I agree with seeing him in a new light.

Well now after all of the money the media made for exposing the former sleazeball of a president, they have found yet another gold mine in Representative Gary Condit.

Condit, a California Democrat, has been accused of having an affair with former intern Chandra Levy. To top it off his intern is missing and has been so for the past few months with Condit being interview into her disappearance.

So after denying his relationship with her, Condit finally realizes that he needs to admit his wrongdoings through a 30-minute interview with Connie Chung and a front page story in People magazine. His effort into the realm of honesty is an attempt to save his political career. Great choice, maybe its something that you should have thought about two months ago.

Then again I guess maybe Condit didn’t hear about the a for mentioned Clinton troubles with keeping his hands on just one women. Maybe he was sick from the house that day, or maybe he took a personal day to be with an intern.

Either way, the mystery of her ware about has become a main media issue while at the same time Monica Lewinsky, Clinton’s fling, is still selling purses and making Thousands of dollars off her scandal. Its a great country when a women, we wish could be lost can get rich off having an affair and one we wish could be found can not be.

Hopefully through his interview Condit will straighten us all out and we will be sympathetic about him. Yet, how can we be sympathetic when a family is still in misery over a lost one.

As for Condit, I think his career is over like Clinton’s would have probably been if he could have rerun for reelection. The funny thing is when election time comes around it won’t matter if he did a good job but more that he was involved in this scandal.

Its a disgrace that at a time when our interest rates are dropping as Americans fear for a recession we worry about a scandal. Hopefully the matter will be taken care of soon and hopefully Levy will be found safe and unharmed. That way we can move our attention to other items like the economy and the unemployment rate. Things that really affect America.