Textbook Rental holding sale

Eastern students will have a chance to buy some of their old

textbooks back today at a sidewalk sale outside Textbook Rental

Service. The sale lasts all week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Textbook Rental Service wants to give students the opportunity

to get back some of the books they have used in the past that

they believe would be helpful for reference in the future, said

Carol Coffey, assistant director for Textbook Rental Service.

“We offer a variety of titles and have something in almost

every category,” she said. Among those categories are history,

English, biological sciences, education and philosophy.

Coffey said the books that are for sale have been used courses

at Eastern but have since then been replaced by new textbooks.

“You could pick up books you’ve had in courses here before,”

she said.

The books range in prices from $.25 to $5, Coffey said.

However, there are very few books above $1 and most of them are

between $.25 and $.75, she said.

“We want to encourage students to build personal libraries for

themselves,” Coffey said.

Textbook Rental does need the space for new books, but she said

the main reason for the sidewalk sale is for students to

acquire books for future reference and to build personal


All books that are not sold at this week’s sale will be

recycled through the school’s recycling program, Coffey said.