HERC offers a way to relieve stress as end of year quickly approaches

With stress building higher and higher in students with finals week steadily approaching, many are looking for a way to ease their suffering.

The Health Education Resource Center and the Health Awareness Campaign Committee has come to the aid of students with the last workshop in a series of stress workshops.

Stress Fest begins at 7 p.m. in Andrews Hall Basement. Eric Davidson, assistant director of health education and promotion/health services, will be facilitating the workshop.

Davidson said the workshop will be approximately 60 minutes and be completely interactive.

“There will be four activities to the workshop,” Davidson said.

During the first session, Davidson will be showing students how to deep breathe correctly to relieve stress. The second session will show students methods of progressive relaxation, which is a series of muscle tensions and releases, Davidson said.

The third session will consist of guided imagery and the fourth session is the ha ha game, Davidson said.

“The ha ha game is an exercise to illustrate the point that humor and laughter help bring about stress reduction,” he said.

Through Stress Fest, Davidson said he hopes to give students tools they can use to bring about a greater state of relaxation during stressful times in their lives like finals week.