Panel addresses working women’s issues

With spring graduation growing closer and closer everyday, some women may find that they are apprehensive about their future in the workplace.

As part of Women’s History and Awareness Month, Louise Vassay, the president of the Charleston-Mattoon Area Branch of the American Association of University Women, has put together a panel of working women that may have some good advice.

Tonight at 7 p.m. in the Effingham Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union, four women will gather together to answer questions from students about women in the working world.

The panelists include Ann Flesor Beck, an independent management consultant; Edith Terwilliger, the former Charleston Chamber of Commerce President and insurance agent; Maudie Lang, a retail banking officer for Citizens National Bank; and Sheryl Homann, an administrative assistant for the Charleston Chamber of Commerce.

Vassay said that each panelist will speak on four or five points. Topics will include how to ask for the salary desired, the culture of a workplace and what kind of support groups are available to women.

“The panelists will use their personal experiences to speak on the topics and the audience will have time for questions,” Vassay said.

“We hope that women entering the work world will use these women’s experiences as a guide for reaching their goals,” she said. “Though women have made fantastic strides in the work world, our experiences are still unique from those of men.”

The AAUW promotes equity for all women and girls, life-long education and positive societal change, Vassay said.

“Our local branch sponsors events in keeping with that mission,” she said. “We also believe in working with other organizations with similar goals, which is why we are cosponsoring this panel discussion with the local Business and Professional Women Chapter.

“Hopefully women will come out of this panel discussion with some strategies they can use to succeed,” she said.