Students act the part at Model UN

Eastern students participated in the Midwest Model United Nations’ conference with approximately 40 other universities in St. Louis this weekend to help increase their knowledge about the United Nations, its member states and international diplomacy.

The students who attended are currently enrolled in a one-credit hour course that prepares them for parliamentary debate at the United Nations and the politics that occur there, said Ryan Hendrickson, assistant professor of political science and trip adviser.

“(In the model,) we had two teams of students that represented two countries: Brazil and Egypt,” he said. “The students then simulated how these two countries act at the United Nations, just like other delegations from other universities do at the Model United Nations.”

Hendrickson said there were around 60 other delegations present from the 40 universities.

One honorable mention award was won by Rashida Basir for her representation of Brazil, he said.

Sarah Prescott, head delegate of the students, assisted the delegates in preparing for parliamentary procedure, coordinated the team and answered any questions they had.

“I thought overall (the Midwest Model United Nations) was really successful,” Prescott said.

She said the primarily new team did a great job understanding their countries.

“I am really proud of them,” Prescott said.