Studnets can help struggling grades with learning workshop

Eastern students all across campus who are struggling in classes may wonder if there is anything that can be done to help their plummeting grades.

Mark May, assistant director of the Learning Assistance Center, holds the three keys of learning in his hand and at 5 p.m. he will hand them over to anyone who needs them.

The workshop, titled “The Three Keys to Learning,” is a part of a 30 minute workshop series, May said. Tonight’s workshop is an overview of learning strategies, he said.

“I will ask students to think about what they feel they can do to enhance their learning,” May said. “We then discuss their approaches and ideas. Then I offer what the three most important things that I’ve found helped students the most over the years,” he said. The workshop will finish up with May talking about ways to apply the three principles.

“I’d encourage anyone from someone who is struggling in a class to someone who is already doing well to come,” May said. “Both of them will benefit from the workshop.”

To find out what the “three keys to learning” are, students just have to attend the workshop and find out, May said.

Other workshops that are a part of the 30 minute workshop series, sponsored by the Learning Assistance Center, include Writing APA Style Papers, March 6, 7; Taking Tests, March 20, 21; Communicating With People With Disabilities, April 3, 4; and Study Techniques for Finals, April 17, 18.

To make reservations for these upcoming workshops call May at 581-6696.