Kenya trip discussed tonight

A panel of educators will share a multimedia presentation tonight on their summer 2000 adventure to Kenya, East Africa.

The presentation will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. in Buzzard Hall Room 1103.

Speakers on the panel will include educators Marylin Lisowski, Michael Leyden, Lou Conwell and Angie Hettmansberger.

The purpose of the presentation, sponsored by the Association for Childhood Education International, is to give students and members of the community an opportunity to learn about the area’s customs and traditions while attracting people to other annual organized international trips.

Lisowski, professor of science and environmental education and leader of the annual trips, said last summer’s exploration to Africa was mainly a safari trip where the group embarked on various types of research.

“You really see things (on the trips) that the public normally doesn’t see,” Lisowski said. “We get a behind-the-scenes view of things. It was really unique.”

Lisowski said the panel members will speak about the tribes and wildlife they had the privilege of observing in Kenya.

The adventure also provided participants with opportunities to take part in game drives, hikes, formalized lectures and village service projects, she said.

She said she hopes the Africa presentation will inspire people to take part in the Eastern sponsored trip to Cuba this summer.

Lisowski said participating in these types of trips gives people a chance to see the world from a different cultural point of view.

She said it is amazing how people live so simply in other cultures while people in the United States have so many gadgets and possessions.

“The whole idea of these trips is there are only so many precious places on the planet,” Lisowski said. “They are not only great learning experiences, but they give you a whole new perspective on life.”