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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

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  • Sept. 7- EIU football beat Indiana State 27-20 at the home opener 🏈
  • Sept. 8- Women's soccer lost to Northern Illinois 0-3⚽
  • Sept. 9- Love Your Space room decorating contest opens 🛏️
  • Sept. 9- Kickball in the library quad from 2 to 3 P.M. 🏫
  • Sept. 11- Study Abroad Fair from 10 to 3 in the University Ballroom 🌍
  • Sept. 14- Catch the All-American Circus at the Coles County Fairgrounds 🎪
  • Sept. 14- EIU football at Northwestern starts at 6:30 P.M.
  • Sept. 15- EIU softball vs. Kankakee CC 1 P.M. at Williams Field 🥎
  • Soccer standings: Women's at 2-4-2, Men's at 1-3
  • Football standings: 1-1 after win over Indiana State
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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Special Olympics: History, struggles, successes

Hannah Shillo, Entertainment Reporter April 25, 2019

Athletes have always been held to a certain standard when it comes to performance. Showing good sportsmanship, being team players and having a degree of talent in the sports they are playing are just...

Eastern to host 40th annual Special Olympics spring games

Hannah Shillo, Entertainment Reporter April 25, 2019

Special Olympics athletes are competing in the annual spring games at O’Brien Field Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is the 40th year Eastern Illinois University has hosted the spring games, although...

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day

Karlie Guy, Contributing Writer April 1, 2019

World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day on the second of April every year, encouraging people to take measures to raise awareness for people with autism spectrum disorder throughout...

Will program cut fund border?

Dillan Schorfheide, Assistant Sports Editor March 31, 2019

President Donald Trump’s administration said Saturday it intends to end foreign assistance programs for Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. On the surface, that move does not seem to imply more than...

DeVos’s proposal eliminates inclusion

Carole Hodorowicz, Columnist March 27, 2019

On March 14, the largest Opening Ceremony in the history of the Special Olympics was held in Abu Dhabi. More than 7,000 athletes from 170 countries attended the Special Olympics World Games. This year...

Eastern to host first ‘EIU Glow Polar Plunge’

Hannah Shillo, Entertainment Reporter March 1, 2019

Panthers will be “freezin’ for a reason” Sunday night during Eastern’s first “EIU Glow Polar Plunge” near the Campus Pond.  The event begins at 7 p.m. Sunday and registration to be a plunger...

Over 300 Eastern students to volunteer at Special Olympics

Makayla Digan, Contributing Writer April 26, 2018

 Over 300 Eastern students are set to volunteer at this year’s Special Olympics, scheduled to begin 7 a.m. Friday at O’Brien Stadium.  Eastern has been hosting the Area 9 Special Olympics for...

Colleen Moran, a Special Olympics athlete, dances and sings along to Kenny Chesney’s “When the Sun Goes Down,” Saturday during the Special Olympics Family Festival. Moran said she had so much fun getting in front of everyone.

SOFF bridges family, community together, makes atheletes feel important

Analicia Haynes, Managing Editor September 24, 2017

After hearing her name called over the microphone, Colleen Moran, a Special Olympics athlete, marched up to the front of the karaoke tent, grabbed the microphone and sang along to Kenny Chesney’s “When...

Special Olympics Spring Games canceled, athletes to be drawn anonymously

Gina Furlin, Contributing Writer April 30, 2017

The Area 9 Special Olympics Spring Games, originally set to be at O’Brien Field, were canceled Friday because of bad weather conditions. The event will not be rescheduled, Elizabeth McPherson, a special...

Special Olympics to feature range of sports, ages

Gina Furlin, Contributing Writer April 26, 2017

Eastern will host its 39th Special Olympics from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Friday at O’Brien Stadium. This year, there will be approximately 700 Eastern volunteers, along with 60 key volunteers made...

Haylee Reynolds, a freshman at Windsor High School, reacts to the cool air as she jogs out of the water during the Polar Plunge Saturday at Lake Sarah in Effingham. Reynolds said she participated because her gradmother is the Special Olympics (the event’s cause) coach in Windsor.

Volunteers ‘plunge’ for the Special Olympics

Cassie Buchman, News Editor March 5, 2017

EParticipants made a splash- and a difference- as they braved the waters of Lake Sara in Effingham for the Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge on Saturday. The funds raised from the Polar Plunge...

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