Board of trustees to approve student tuition increases
April 21, 2023
The Board of Trustees will meet Friday at 1 p.m. to vote on tuition increases for the FY2023.
Increases in tuition per credit hour, student fees and housing and dining fees will be voted on.
The FY23 tuition increases for Illinois resident undergraduate students is $6.47 for new students and $7.89 for continuing students.
For non-Illinois resident undergraduate students, it is $8.09 and $9.86 for new and continuing students respectively.
For graduate students, it is $6.59 for Illinois resident students and $15.82 for non-Illinois residents.
All meal plans and almost all housing rates are increasing by 4.5% across the board.
There are a few exceptions for housing rates with adjusted usage charges for double room as a single (5.88%), deluxe double (0 percent) and triple as a double in Lawson and Andrews Hall (55.56%).
The significant increase for triple rooms as a double in Lawson and Andrews is due to the triples in both halls being approximately 41 percent larger than other triples.
There are six proposed student fee adjustments as:
- Union operating fee, decrease by $4.46
- Athletic fee, increase $2.13
- Lantz/O’Brien operations fee, increase $0.90
- Student recreation operations fee, increase $1.25
- Grant-in-Aid fee, increase $2.85
- Campus improvement fee, increase $1.48
The board will discuss purchase approvals including:
- Group insurance reimbursement, proposed cost $1,713,300
- Printing services, proposed cost not to exceed $350K
- Telephone service agreement, proposed cost not to exceed $350K
The 2023-2045 tenure recommendations for professors to be tenured will be voted on.
Professors being recommended to be tenured are:
- Jennifer Buchter, assistant professor of special education
- Ryan Burge, assistant professor of political science
- Lauri DeRuiter-Willems, assistant professor of public health and nutrition
- Rebecca Johnson, assistant professor of music
- Alexis Jones, assistant professor of teaching, learning and foundations
- Sanghoon Kang, assistant professor of biology
- Robert Klein, professor of teaching, learning and foundations
- Abidalrahman Moh’d, professor of mathematics and computer science
- Julie Park, assistant professor of music
- Anne Walk, assistant professor of psychology
The water tower lease will also be discussed.
An annual meeting will be held to elect officers.
Information items:
- President’s report,
- Reporters from constituencies,
- Summary of purchases $100,000 – $249,999,
- Deposit & investment report,
- University highlights,
- And other matters.
The meeting will end with public comment.
The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. and take place in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Ballroom.
Cam’ron Hardy and Madelyn Kidd can be reached at 581-2812 or at