CAA approves new political science, public health course


Rob Le Cates

Council of Academic Affairs member Billy Hung, associate professor in biological sciences, offers a suggestion to a revision of wording for the bylaws system related to certificates at the Oct. 21, 2021 CAA meeting held in the Whitters Conference Room. Item 21086 was approved unanimously with revision.

Madelyn Kidd, News Editor

The Council of Academic Affairs unanimously approved a new political science and public health course as a policy course for public health students on Thursday.

The department of public health requested a health policy available to students as an elective.

Prior to creating this new course, a similar course already existed as a political science special topic course taught every other year.

The changes to this course, now that it is a political science/public health course, include a broader version of the original political science special topic course.

With the course now being both under the political science and public health departments, the two departments plan for the course to be available every academic year.

After CAA had suggested a revision to the writing of the course descriptions, CAA unanimously approved with revisions for the new course to be added.

CAA approved a course revision in the career and technical education program for the course CTE-3404 Seminar in Teaching Technology.

The course revisions included the credit hours of the course to go from two credit hours to three, along with additional teaching materials to be taught in the class.

CAA unanimously approved the Seminar in Teaching Technology course revisions.

CAA also approved seven course revisions for courses in the communications studies department and a revision to the communication studies major in the mass communication option.

The seven courses were requested to be revised by the communication studies department after a program review showed these courses have not been revised in at least a decade or not since the course was created.

The seven courses include CMN-2010: Introduction to Communication Theories, CMN-3300: Interviewing, CMN-3530: Film Communication, CMN-3640: Advanced Interpersonal Communication, CMN-3950: Conferences and Event Planning, CMN-4030: Seminar I and CMN-4921: Seminar in Public Relations.

CAA approved unanimously for the revisions to the courses Introduction to Communication Theories, Interviewing, Advanced Interpersonal Communication, Seminar I and Seminar in Public Relations.

CAA approved unanimously with revisions for the course revisions to Film Communication and Conferences and Event Planning.


Madelyn Kidd can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].