City Council set to vote on $5M in tax levies
Charleston City Council Members Tim Newell and Jeff Lahr converse at the end of the Nov. 2 City Council meeting. During the meeting, the council voted on awarding a bid to R&R Services, Inc. from Argenta, Ill., to perform landscape waste tub grinding for the city. The total cost is $45,000 and the funds for the project have already been counted for in Charleston’s FY22 budget.
December 6, 2021
Charleston City Council members will vote on the annual tax levy ordinance that will total $5,151,092.
The largest amounts levied are $1,721,444 for police pension, $1,715,557 for fire pension and $412,604 for insurance and tort judgement.
Other amounts were levied mostly for general fund items.
A resolution connected to the levies for pensions will also be voted on.
The council will also be voting on a contract for Red, White and Blue Days, a festival celebrated in the summer.
The contract is for entertainment for July 3, 2022, the band Bruce in the USA with special guest Rick K Road Trip.
The contract is for $24,500.
Additionally, the council members will vote on the disposal of a 2003 MODEC, Inc. Decontamination Trailer and a DANUSER 3-Point Auger with Augers that “have been determined to be obsolete or surplus.”
The resolution states it is in the best interest of the city “to dispose of said equipment by selling it to the highest bidder via EBay, Craig’s List, ILEAS, sealed bids, or public auction or selling it by weight for scrap price.”
The council will also vote on waiving the bidding procedures for the purchase of an irrigation system booster pump for the Sister City Phase II development and purchase the item though Site One Landscape Supply of Champaign.
The cost would be $31,023.57 if approved.
A vote will also be had on updating language in Title 9, Chapter 2, Section 2 of the city code.
The continuation of the local state of emergency will also be voted on.
Following the action items, time is reserved for members of the public to address the council. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, and the Council is not required to take any further action or to discuss the matter further. Public comment can be made or submitted remotely via email to Those interested in submitting public comment should send emails prior to 5 p.m. Tuesday and indicate in the subject line: CC: 12/08/2021, so the city clerk knows the email is public comment for the meeting.
Corryn Brock can be reached at 581-2812 or at