CAA meeting canceled
Jeanne Lord, from the Department of Health Services and Community Leadership, presents a proposal for a honors prgoram for those majoring in human services program administration or minoring in aging studies, financial literacy, or human services program administration. The Council approved of this proposal at the Oct. 28 meeting.
November 3, 2021
The Council on Academic Affairs will not have a meeting this Thursday. Its next meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. in the Booth Library Witters Conference Room, during which they will vote on revisions to the Meeting and Event Management Minor.
In spring 2020, a new hospitality and tourism course, HTM 3700 (Wedding Events Management) was approved by the CAA as a new course. If approved, the revision in the minor would include HTM 3700.
The revision would also bring the minor to 18 credits, previously being at 15 credits, “as well as provide flexibility for students by loosening the selection of electives.”
The proposal for the revision also states that the minor had originally “been approved for all majors except Hospitality and Tourism, but that statement has been omitted from the catalog language.”
If approved, the revision would correct that omission.
The revision would also include elective choices such as HTM 3370 (Ethical and Legal Environment of HTM) and BUS 2750 (Legal and Social Environment of Business).
These courses would cover issues regarding contracts and liability.
The proposed revision also states that “students in the Hospitality and Tourism degree program may not declare the Meeting and Event Management minor.”
The CAA will also be voting on proposed revisions for a Honors course, HON 1191. The revision will change the course’s name from Honors First-Year Seminar to First-year Presidential Scholars Seminar.
The rationale for this proposal states that “This existing course is being modified to change its name to reflect that it is intended for freshman presidential and Pemberton presidential scholars. The description is being updated to better reflect the way the course is currently being taught.”
Kyara Morales-Rodriguez can be reached at 581-2812 or