Students share coping tips for midterms

Heather Vosburgh, Campus Reporter

As midterms roll around the corner, students begin to prepare and provide helpful tips for studying, mental health, and reducing stress.

Aidan Collins, a sophomore theater student, says that he likes to shut himself away for a few hours in order to be able to work and focus.

“Well, I shut myself in the library for hours to make sure I get stuff done and don’t get distracted because I have to be quiet in the library and it’s just a good working environment,” Collins said. “That, for some reason, motivates me to grind all the work out. That’s mostly where I do all my studying, but since I’m a theater major, I live in Doudna and rehearse and go over any final scenes or monologues I must do. So, the library and Doudna are my homes for midterms.”

Finding a quiet study spot can be helpful, Collins says.

“Find an area around campus that feels comfortable to study in and work in,” Collins said. “Don’t force yourself to study in a place that’s difficult to study in, like in your room full of distractions. Find a place like the library or Doudna and grind out the studying. And don’t study last minute, it never works as well as you’d hope.”

Collins says his big mental health tip for reducing stress is taking a break.

“Find time after a big study session or when your head is filled to the brim, and you just need a break to do a fun hobby you enjoy or activity to take your mind off of it for a while,” Collins said. “I personally game when I want a break, so find something that helps you relax. To reduce stress, meditate. Doesn’t have to be exactly meditation, but just taking a break from everything. Shutting off your phone, computer, and everything for a while. Or just a nice nap, naps are good, too.”

Sophomore neuroscience major Rashad Oliver says he finds that basic review of class content helps him on midterms.

“I usually take time out my day to review notes or look up helpful YouTube videos,” Oliver said. “They help me with retaining information so it’s fresher in my mind when it’s time to take the exam.”

Like Collins, Oliver also says he recommends taking a break.

“Watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite song,” Oliver said. “It takes my mind off of stress and it’s a quick way to escape.”

To reduce stress, Oliver says to work on or pick up a hobby.

“Just do things you enjoy,” Oliver said. “Stick to hobbies that make you happy. I write music, study astrology, and watch movie analysis videos.”

Abby Moore, sophomore communication disorders and science major, says writing out important information can be helpful while studying.

“It depends on the class, but normally I’ll write out everything that I think I’ll need to know on paper so it gets stuck in my brain, and just making sure I’m up to date on all the information,” Moore said. “It helps me review what we’ve already gone over and lets me make sure I know what I need to for midterms or at that point in the semester. Also, my classes are starting to focus in on my major, so I really need to keep on top of what I’m learning.”

Moore says taking a break is very important when it comes to studying for midterms and keeping mentally healthy.

“It’s super important to take some time to relax especially during a stressful week like midterms week,” Moore said. “Practice some self-care, take a nap, watch some TV. Breaks from studying are necessary. Otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy.”

If all else fails, Moore says to sleep.

“A lot of stress can come from lack of sleep,” Moore said. “So, definitely get lots of sleep and drink lots of water, you know, stay healthy. Go out and see people, don’t be antisocial.”


Heather Vosburgh can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].