CAA to vote on change to minor

Logan Raschke, Managing Editor

The Council on Academic Affairs will vote Thursday on revising the operations and supply chain management minor to include BUS 1950 to its core requirements. 

BUS 1950 is the computer concepts and applications for business course.

The course includes “study of computer concepts, including the information processing cycle, file organizaiton, telecommunications, and operating systems and systems software. Applications software, including spreadsheets, databases, word processing, presentation graphics, computer communications, and operation systems with graphical user interfaces.”

Claudia Janssen Danyi, CAA vice chair and public relations professor, said core requirements are the courses everyone who wants the minor must take. So if CAA approves the proposal, students who want a minor in operations and supply chain management must also take BUS 1950.

BUS 1950 is a prerequisite of BUS 2810 (Business Statistics I), which is already a required course, according to the proposal. Part of the rationale for including BUS 1950 in the minor’s core requirements is a measure to make it clearer to students that it is a required course, according to the proposal.

CAA will also hear 11 executive actions.

Listed are the requested executive actions:

• Revise prerequisites for BIO 2210 to include BIO 1004G as an option

• Revise the internship requirement in the Biological Sciences-Environmental Biology option from the current 12 required hours to add an option of six internship hours, plus six undergraduate research and/or independent study hours

• Revise BIO 4984’s name and prerequisites

• Integrate PLS 3773 in the American politics/public policy/public administration fields, and to integrate PLS 3263 in the international relations/comparative politics fields

• Integrate PLS 3773 in major elective requirements in the political science with civic and nonprofit leadership option

• Integrate PLS 3263 into the major elective list in the international relations option: comparative and international relations requirements

• Integrate PLS 3773 into the civic and nonprofit leadership minor

• Revise course title for HPR 3200 from “School Health” to “School Health for K-12 Teachers”

• Change course description for MUS 2443

• Change catalog course description for PHI 3540 from “F-even numbered years” to “on demand”

• Remove the environmental sustainability minor and the environmental studies minor from the catalog

Items to be added to the next meeting’s agenda include:

• Environmental impact and sustainability minor (revised minor)

• Recreation administration: therapeutic recreation option (revised option)

• REC 4710: therapeutic recreation seminar (revised course)

• Change course prefixes HPR to PBH (new proposal)

• Change department, major and minor department of health promotion to department of public health (new proposal)

There will also be an announcement noting a guest presenter for Oct. 31’s CAA meeting.

Logan Raschke can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected]