Tamp down the unwarranted tampon outrage

Jessica Stewart, Columnist

The other day, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a post from one of my favorite dancers. She had just started a new partnership with Playtex Sport and posted a photo of her promoting their tampons. While some of the comments were supportive, others were nasty.

People were saying that she should be promoting more natural and organic brands and that she should be worried about toxic shock syndrome.

They suggest menstrual cups or organic brands of tampons, but those don’t always work for everyone.

No one should try to tell anyone what they should do with their body, especially in regards to something this personal.

Whether someone wants to use tampons, pads or menstrual cups, they can. These different methods are all comfortable for different people with different bodies, and no one should be persuaded to try something if they are uncomfortable with it.

The argument that tampons cause toxic shock syndrome is misinformed.

Yes, tampons could potentially result in toxic shock syndrome. However, that is only if you use them ignorantly. It is recommended to only leave tampons in for three to six hours. Leaving them in for much longer than that is what could potentially lead to toxic shock.

The argument to use organic and natural brands of tampons and pads does not take money or comfort into consideration.

Natural brands are usually more expensive than brands like Playtex Sport, and they typically have cardboard applicators as opposed to plastic.

At Walmart, Playtex Sport gives you 18 plastic applicator tampons for $3.97. Also at Walmart, Organic Initiative gives you 16 biodegradable applicator tampons for $5.97. You get two less eco-friendly tampons for two extra dollars.

Now, two dollars may not seem like a lot of money. But for someone in college trying to balance bills, groceries and tuition while working one or more jobs while balancing classes, two dollars buys dinner from Taco Bell.

We want the most inexpensive tampons that we can also trust. And we definitely do not want anyone telling us that we are wrong for our choice.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for using more biodegradable products. And if you want to implement that in your life in as many ways as possible, more power to you.

I just think the choice of tampons (something so personal) should be an acceptable use of non-biodegradable products.

It is essential that you can rely on your menstrual products because your life doesn’t stop for your period.

You still go to class, work and meetings. You still have to wear nice clothes. You want a product you can rely on, and you typically figure that out within your first few years of your period.

You have the right to use whichever method of choice for your period, whether you use tampons, pads, menstrual cups or something else. Don’t let someone tell you you’re wrong or that you need to change if you don’t want to.

Jessica Stewart is a junior English major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].