College friends are the best friends you’ll ever have

Jessica Stewart, Columnist

Remember when we all said that we’d keep in touch with our friends from high school?

Remember when you thought your high school best friends would be your best friends for life?

I remember, and oh how foolish I was. Little did I know that in college I would meet some of the best people I have ever met.

Granted, I do still have one best friend from high school. Destiny and I still keep in touch, and I love her dearly. We’re planning to go to a Cardinals game sometime this summer and I can’t wait.

When I got to Eastern, I only had one friend here besides my high school boyfriend Lucas.

Lucy and I met at Eastern Music Camp a couple years earlier, and we were instantly best friends when we learned we were both living at Thomas Hall 2 South.

Lucy’s roommate was someone she had been friends with since they were small children, and she would soon become my best friend as well.

Natalee and I had a lot in common, and we grew close quickly. We even ended up renting a house together this year.

She recently moved out, however, and we hadn’t seen each other for a few weeks—which was weird because we were used to seeing each other every day.

Yesterday, she came over unexpectedly and we ended up sitting on the floor talking for three straight hours. It was as if no time had passed at all, and that is what true friendship is.

During my freshman year, I also met Resa and Joseph who quickly became some of my best friends as well.

Then during my sophomore year, we met Megan who was a new freshman on our floor. She fit right in with our group and is also now one of my best friends.

I’ve been told before that you meet your best friends in college, and that is so true. These guys have my back through anything, and I can always count on them.

If we ever fight, it’s over in no time. We never judge each other for anything and we tell it like it is.

Anyone who says they didn’t make friends in college or anything along those lines just didn’t know where to look.

As Natalee always says, “Your vibe attracts your tribe.” If you are your true self, your true friends will find you.

Getting everyone together now is difficult because we are all so busy with jobs and other commitments, but anytime we do get together, it’s as if no time has passed at all. Lucy, Natalee, Resa, Joseph, Megan and Lucas: You are all the best friends I’ve ever had, and I’m forever thankful for you all.

Jessica Stewart is a junior English major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].