First day of spring: Students’ thoughts and what to know
March 20, 2019

What is the Spring Equinox all about?
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the spring equinox is an astronomical event that took place Wednesday.
“The spring equinox is also known as March equinox or vernal equinox,” The Old Farmer’s Almanac says.
This takes place all over the world, but more particularly in the northern hemisphere, and Charleston is included in that. It also brings fall to the southern hemisphere.
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, “This space event happens every year and is always sure to land on March 19, 20 or 21.”
The Old Farmer’s Almanac said the spring equinox means that the day and night hours are relatively equal to one another. With the equinox, people in the northern hemisphere can look forward to enjoying earlier sunrises and later sunsets.
Wednesday night’s spring equinox might be a bit brighter than most others before it.
“Northern Hemisphere will get to see a cosmic triple play on March 20, as a ‘super worm moon’ lights up the vernal Equinox,” according to National Geographic. “A full moon has not landed this close to the first day of spring since the year 2000, and the two celestial events won’t happen less than a day apart again until 2030.”
Students’ thoughts on the upcoming spring
Austin O’leary, a senior majoring in corporate communication, said he looks forward to the springtime ahead.
“When spring comes around, (I feel) happy,” O’leary said.
For O’leary, outdoor activities are a must for him when spring arrives, he said.
“Some things I love to do during spring is to take my dog outside, to let her (get some fresh air),” O’leary said, “while I get fresh air and enjoy the weather.”
Spring can open a door to fun opportunities that are often unavailable during winter months, he said.
“I honestly (enjoy) being outside with my friends having a good time,” O’leary said. “If that means going to a baseball game or softball game or out on the lawn playing bags.”
Tynan Leachman, a junior majoring in sports marketing, said he is also excited for the spring weather that is soon to come.
“(Apart) from waiting for it to get warm,” Leachman said. “I enjoy traveling and going to places warm and enjoy my free time,” Leachman said.
Back home is where Leachman said he prefers to be once the weather gets warmer.
“With my family and sleeping,” Leachman said. “(Getting time) to spend time with family and friends.”
Takes from our local meteorologist
Everett Lau, a sophomore geography major and WEIU meteorologist, said the Charleston area will experience warmer temperatures soon.
“The 8-14-day outlook is showing above average temperatures,” Lau said.
He said May is when the weather usually starts to stay warmer for longer.
Even though Illinois weather can delve into opposite ends of the temperature spectrum, Lau said he does not mind. He enjoys the variety.
“I like the Midwest. Even when I go into my career in the future, I hope to stay somewhere in the Midwest because we get all the seasons,” Lau said.
When asked who would look forward to spring weather most, Lau said farmers would without a doubt. “Once we get past that frost, they can get in the fields. And if we don’t get too much rain, they can get a jumpstart on planting season,” Lau said, “which is probably the biggest economic aspect in this region.”
Tony Elias-Cadena can be reached at 581-2812 or at