Be safe this Halloween

Staff Editorial

It’s finally Halloween: a time where all these beautiful college-aged fiends find an excuse to dress up as a favorite 2018 meme and drink more than our fair share of “witch’s brew” on a Wednesday night.

Ah yes, a time for parties, 10-minute make-it- yourself costumes and green colored punch that we are absolutely OK with drinking because hey, it’s Halloween, and we love that stuff.

Ultimately, Halloween is for everyone who wants to celebrate it, and you know what, you can celebrate it however you like, and that’s not a problem.

What we want to remind everyone about though, is Halloween safety.

For starters, let’s talk about watching out for the kids.

As much fun as Halloween is, it’s easy to forget the other little creatures who celebrate Halloween because of the garbage bags of candy they hope to get.

Once upon a time, Halloween was an excuse for us “older kids” to dress up as our favorite superhero and go with our friends to the best block to get the big candy bars. When we were all that age we didn’t remember the dangers that were around us.

Sure, our mom told us to grab a flash light and look both ways, but do you remember paying attention?

That’s our point. See, the thing is, you’re not the only one roaming the streets and campus in your costume; there’s going to be kids all over the place, so be aware of what’s going on.

If you’re driving around, be sure to drive slow and keep your eyes on the road.

One of the members on our editorial staff recalled a time when she was younger and her witch’s hat flew off her head as she was crossing the street, so she let go of her mom’s hand and ran back into the middle of traffic to grab it.

The cars stopped, and she got her hat, but she didn’t realize she did anything wrong until her mom grabbed her and told her she could’ve been killed.

It’s easy to tell a child to pay attention and look both ways, but you have to remember that they’re excited, and yeah, sometimes it is easy to forget what mom told you.

So it’s up to you to pay attention and get off your phone while you’re driving. This is serious.

Also, quit with those three-second “stops” at a stop sign. It’s not going to kill you to come to a complete stop and look both ways for this one night.

If you’re expecting trick or treaters, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends making sure walking areas and stairs are well-lit and free of obstacles that could cause someone to fall.

Also, according to the CDC, keep candle-lit jack-o-lanterns away from doorsteps, walkways, etc. and place them on tables away from pets and young children, and never leave them unattended.

If you happen to be taking kids trick-or-treating or if you are a kid wanting to go trick-or-treating, be sure to carry flash lights with you in case it gets dark, stay in a group and stay on the sidewalks. Always visit well-lit houses, and NEVER accept rides from strangers or talk to strangers.

Of course, to all our peers, we remind you to not forget about yourself this Halloween season. Be sure to drink responsibly, and if you let loose, have someone on call for a ride home.

Watch your drink, don’t leave it alone at the bar and keep an eye on people you talk to. Stranger danger isn’t just a thing that ends after you reach adulthood.

Most importantly though, no means no every day of the year, including holidays. So just because someone dresses up in something you think is “too revealing” doesn’t mean it’s an invitation. Keep that in the front of your mind.

Stay safe this Halloween, and eat as much candy as your stomach can handle.