Introverts are not necessarily antisocial

Mercury Bowen, Entertainment Reporter

A Google search defines the word “introvert” as “a shy, reticent person.” 

 Thus, it is a common misconception that because someone is an introvert, they are timid and unable to express their thoughts or feelings. 

 While this may be the case for some, there are also many introverts who can and do socialize as well as assert themselves. 

 The biggest difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that, in most cases, an introvert needs alone time to feel refreshed, while an extrovert needs to spend time with people to reinvigorate themselves. 

 For many introverts, any form of socialization takes preparation. They must have time to mentally prepare for prolonged interaction with others. 

 That said, this does not mean that introverts do not enjoy the company of other people. 

 Many introverts, while enjoying the social interaction, find it exhausting and need time to “recharge” with some alone time afterwards. 

 While difficult to grasp for some extroverted people, this desire for alone time is simply a fundamental difference in the way introverts’ personalities work versus extroverts’. 

 In truth, most societal functions are, for the most part, oriented toward extroverts. 

 This creates an added barrier for introverts in the sense that they must overcome stigmas and behavior that are considered commonplace because extroverts deemed it so. 

 Too often introverts are thought of either as meek, helpless individuals or as stuck-up and antisocial because of these stigmas. 

That being said, an introvert, in most cases, does not intentionally ignore others. 

 Oftentimes that introvert simply has no relevant information to share; therefore, they find aimless conversation frivolous. 

 Small talk and pointless conversations are both conventions that many introverts struggle to understand or take part in. 

 This can be another reason people see introverts as cold or unfriendly, however this is not the case. 

When an introvert develops a bond with someone, it is often much deeper and more intense than some of the more superfluous relationships extroverts tend to have. 

 There are many cases in which introverts would simply rather have one or two really close friends than a group of semi-friendly acquaintances. 

 This is not always the case, however, and it is wrong to assume that an introvert is antisocial in nature. 

 There are several characteristics that many introverts seem to share, including deep thought and creativity. 

 Having spoken to people in creative fields, I have heard many times that introverts are often very talented writers, actors and creators. 

 This can be attributed to that deep thinking ability so many introverts seem to possess. 

 It is also that deep thinking that helps create the deep emotional bonds many introverts seek, often more than hoards of polite acquaintances. 

 Introverts are just as capable of developing and maintaining social bonds as extroverts are. The introverts simply go about it a different way. 

Mercury Bowen is a senior journalism major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].