Get involved, but know your limits

Kate Rehwinkel, Columnist

Being involved is highly recommended by many faculty members and fellow students. When I was a freshman, time and time again my professors would tell me that, and I would just roll my eyes because I heard it far too many times. I wasn’t super involved my freshman year, which worked out for the best, because I got ill during my first semester and missed quite a bit of school.

Now I am a junior, and I am more involved than I ever imagined I would be. I am in Phi Alpha Eta, which is an honorary service organization, and I am in German club. I tutor young kids at the After School Program at the Newman Center twice a week, and I recently got elected to be a Resident Hall Association (RHA) representative for Stevenson Hall. Next year I am hoping to get into higher positions on the executive boards. Those are always good ways to develop and strengthen your leadership abilities. 

I always encourage students, no matter what year they are in, to get involved in clubs they like. It does not always have to be in your major. I think being in clubs that are not related to my major are a great idea, because they help me become a more well-rounded person when it comes to skills and knowledge. Another bonus is that I am able to meet new people and make friends that are outside my major.

Being involved can add more responsibilities on top of being a student. This is when time management is your best friend. As a freshman, I managed time perfectly fine and only turned in one late assignment my whole freshman year. Sophomore year, I was a little more involved, so I had to rearrange my entire time management game plan to accommodate my involvements. The things I am involved with this year are not as demanding as some other organizations. I still feel like I am not as involved as I should be, but for now I feel like I am as involved as I want to be.

Sometimes students feel like being involved is more of a chore than it is fun. I think this is because students may feel out of their comfort zone. It takes time to fully open yourself up to new people and clubs. If you would like to get involved but seem to be struggling with time management, I recommend going to the Student Success Center over in 9th Street Hall. I have heard they are very helpful with these types of things. I encourage everyone to get involved, but know your limits.

Kate Rehwinkel is a junior management major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].