Women’s Studies welcomes speaker Gail Levin

Mandy Grepares, Contributing Writer

The different obstacles and expectations of women artists will be discussed at this year’s Women’s Studies Endowed Speaker Series.

Gail Levin, a professor at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, will present “Telling Women Artists’ Lives” 5 p.m. Monday in the Doudna Fine Arts Center Recital Hall.

Levin will talk about the obstacles women artists of different cultural backgrounds face, including artists from different times and places. Her memoir, “On Not Becoming An Artist,” will also be displayed.

Jamila Smith, acting coordinator of the women’s studies program, said there are some realms of art where women are at the forefront; but when it is combined with different intersections of race and class hierarchy, it is not.

Smith said when talking about art, people also talk about themselves.

“In talking about myself, I’m talking about my background and the things that brought me to this place artistically and the things that shape who I am,” Smith said.

Smith wants to draw a large crowd for the talk because it is a great conversation topic, she said, as it will be about various women’s experiences and things that shape who they are artistically.

“When we’re talking about the different challenges that women experience, we hope that it begins a larger conversation,” Smith said.

Camille Compo, who the talk is named after, was a founding member of the women’s studies program at Eastern.

Smith said Compo cared deeply about the arts and poetry, so they wanted to continue the conversation about art and women.

It is a part of her legacy, Smith said.

She was a part of the first Women’s History and Awareness Month. In 1984, members of the women’s studies program designated her as a Woman of Achievement.

A reception will follow the talk at the Tarble Arts Center’s Main Galleries.


Mandy Grepares can be reached at 581-2812 [email protected].