Column: Always put effort into what you write

Liz Dowell, Copy Editor

Writing anything is difficult. I’m not just talking about news stories, because even writing about newsworthy topic can hard.

Maybe your sources could not get back to you or the story fell through. All of those factors could contribute to having a difficult time in writing a news story.

But alas, I am not talking about writing news stories. No, I am talking about writing fictional stories.

Fictional masterpieces that causes one to sit up at night, cry over their scholarly books and mugs full of herbal tea or – if you like to live on the edge – discounted coffee that you can get at the discount store.

We dream of the big time in hopes of making it like J.K Rowling, Jane Austin and Stephen King.

We type until our fingers bleed, write until we used up all our favorite pencils, go through so much paper that we ourselves maybe the reason for deforestation.

We, the creative writers of our generation, the hopeless romantics, the lost souls that want nothing more than to find our way home.

Sit hours upon hours staring either at a computer, journal or off into space, silently crying, sobbing, for we have reached our limits.

The wall of blocked writers slowly falls down, cutting off our train of thought, causing us to gasp for breath and reel in shock.

What shall we do now? That’s the question. What do you do when the dreaded writers block hits and you get nowhere in your work? What do I do? I write.

It can be scribbles, it can be meaningless thoughts, write down how your feeling at the time, write down how someone looks or write down what you had for breakfast.

Once you stop writing, it’s all over. If you stop writing, the ideas will leave you and you’re left in a house of leaves with nothing but a long hall way and you may as well be in another dimension.

For when a writer stops writing they lose a piece of themselves. It starts to rot away and you may as well be dead.

Go to your corner. Take your writer-blocked self and go sit in your favorite spot you love to write in.

I have a butterfly chair that is black with pink lining and white poke-a-dots. I have floor lamp behind me that I like to use when I’m sitting in the chair. I read and write in this chair and when I am in it, I feel at peace.

Make your favorite drink. This can be anything from smoothies to milkshakes, to coffee to tea, or – if you’re a real writer, or Tony Stark for that matter, this could be vodka straight out of the bottle. I prefer coffee, but I’m trying to get used to tea too, since I do a lot of writing at night and have school in the morning.

But don’t worry, once you become a professional writer you’ll be unemployed so if you prefer alcohol, you can drink it all the time.

The basic thing to remember is to never give up on what you’re trying to create.

Be it poems, non-fiction or fiction novels, or even news stories.

If you put effort into your work, you’re going to get greatness out of it.

So you may be freaking out now about something that has happened, and believe me this is not the end.

It will all work out and you will finish that story because I believe in you, and it was my new year’s resolution to finish mine.

I have not touched my novel since I have been back at school.

Liz Dowell is senior journalsim major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].