Social Docs screening prepares for final film of semester

Luis Martinez, Entertainment Editor

The “Social Docs! Screening Series” is preparing for its final film showing of the semester featuring some of the documentaries of Angela Aguagyo, an associate professor in the college of Mass Communication and Media Arts at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

The film screening will show seven short-length documentary films, as opposed to the previous two screenings, which were feature length documentaries.

Unlike the previous film screenings, Aguagyo will be available after for a question-and-answer session with members of the audience.

David Gracon, a professor of communication studies, said the turnout for both of the previous film screenings were both fairly good.

“There’s probably been 15 to 20 people per each screening,” Gracon said. “The Q-and-A discussions afterwards have been pretty interesting. The students have been asking some pretty interesting questions, some thought-provoking questions.”

Gracon said the students who have attended the previous screenings have taken advantage of being able to talk to the directors directly via Skype and through speakerphone.

“It’s kind of tough with (the screenings) being late in the semester,” Gracon said. “Everyone is just kind of busy and tired, but I think getting 15 to 20 students and other members of the EIU community to come is very successful.”

The titles of the short films are as follows, “778 Bullets,” “Death Work,” “Sexy Scissors,” “Trailer to The Ritual,” “Amplified Voices,” “Ni Una Mas,” and “Rural Civil Rights Projects.”

Each of one Aguagyo’s films ranges from five to 18 minutes, and each one takes a look at different social issues, such as an pro-life exhibit in the University of Texas, and missing women in different cities in Mexico.

One of Aguagyo’s films, “778 Bullets,” takes a look at the history of both resistance and resilience and in named after an incident in Nov. 1970, when police from the state, university and local forces fired a total of 778 bullets into an off-campus residence house after assuming some of the student who lived there were members of the Black Panther Party.

“I think it’s nice to have people in person,” Gracon said. “I think it’s a great chance for the filmmaker to really talk about what it is she does (and) why she does it.”

The final film screening of the “Social Docs!” will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday in the Coleman Lecture Hall.


Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected]