New students mix at student mixer

Luis Martinez, Entertainment Editor

The New student mixer was the opening event for this year’s Prowl move-in weekend. The event was designed to welcome freshmen and transfer students to Eastern’s campus.

Josey Fioretto, a sophomore elementary education major, was one of the Prowl leaders this year, and said the first event was a good way to start off the weekend of events.

“I thought the first event was awesome,” Fioretto said. “I felt students were having a great time.”

Fioretto also said many of the students at the event were able to make a lot of friends and get to know each other.

Prowl leaders and students participate in the new student mixer on the South Quad on Thursday.
Jason Howell
Prowl leaders and students participate in the new student mixer on the South Quad on Thursday.

“When I was a freshman, I loved Prowl and I knew I wanted to be a Prowl leader that weekend,” Fioretto said. “It feels good to be able to help students find their classes, meet new people, and make friends.”

During the event, students were able to participate in different icebreakers, such as forming small groups and introducing themselves to other students and the Prowl leaders.

“One ice breaker, we all stood in a circle then formed a circle then formed a smaller circle, then each person across from one another had to introduce themselves,” Fioretto said.

Fioretto also said the students made human-trains, mini-vans, see-saws and merry- go-rounds.

After the students were finished with the icebreaker activities, the University Board was showing a movie, “Mad Max: Fury Road,” for their “Movie on the Quad” event.

Tylen Elliot, the chair of University Board said, UB was able to show the movie because of their movie committee.

“We have a movie’s committee and what we do is we put on every week, so we get all of the latest movies,” Elliot said.

The members of UB were serving refreshments and snacks to the new students, as well as giving away some t-shirts.

“We do it every year as a part of our first weekend back,” Elliot said. “So for (the) new student mixer, we (were) showing Mad Max and we’re serving popcorn, refreshments, and we (were) giving away some stuff too.”

Both Elliot and Fioretto said it was a good turn out.

“I didn’t know if a lot of students were going to show up, but we had a great number of students and they looked like they were having fun,” Fioretta said.


Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected]