Play discusses everyday economic struggles
Frank Monier, a freshmen theater arts major, portrays a water seller in the play rehearshal of Good Person of Setzuan in the Dounda Fine Arts Center Tuesday in the Black Box Theater. Good Person of Setzuan begins Thursday April 23 at 7:30 pm in the Black Box.
April 21, 2015
The Black Box Theatre in the Doudna Fine Arts Center is opening its doors Thursday for a play titled “Good Person of Setzuan.”
The play by Bertolt Brecht and translated by Tony Kushner is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday.
Ticket prices for general admission are $12, Eastern Employees and senior citizens are $10, and students are $5.
The play is about how people struggle and deal with different economic factors to get through everyday life.
Zackary Ross, an instructor in the theater department and director of the play said the play is set in a universal time and is contemporary to today’s life issues.
“Its kind of on every ones mind on how those kinds of economic pressures affect us as people and drive us to extremes,” he said. “Whether that’s crime or depression, or whatever it is, that financial pressure really exerts a great deal of stress on individuals.”
Along with the characters in the play, there will be puppets in the production.
Some of the characters will have puppets and will be interacting with the audience. Songs will also be incorporated into the show.
Frank Monier, a freshman theater arts major, plays two of the characters named Wang who is the water seller, his primary role, and the waiter as a side role. Wang is the best friend of the main character.
Monier said the puppets play a specific role, and will be attached to the performers.
“The gods are puppets, so we have to work with them,” he said. “We strap them to ourselves and then we help them move their arms and heads.”
Students have been practicing for about a month on the production.
“We started working on the play right before spring break, and it’s come all together this month,” Monier said.
As the time gets closer to opening night, adrenalin rises. Bailey Waelde, a sophomore theatre arts major and stage manager, explains how much work was put into the play and how many of the actors had to step out of their comfort zone to get into character.
“I hope people find it hilarious,” she said. “There are funny tidbits here and there. It will also be a lot of eye contact.”
Ross said he hopes the audience prepares for a new experience.
“It’s good that the audience comes in with an open mind and ready for in interesting show,” Ross said.
Meka Al Taqi-Brown can be reacher at 581-2812 or