RHA meets in disguise to show seasonal spirit

Pemberton Hall was decked out in full Halloween regalia during Thursday’s RHA meeting, where representatives from the residence halls announced various new and successful programs.

Pemberton Hall’s RHA representative Raquel Serrano, a junior nursing major, said Pemberton Hall was preparing for a food drive starting today, drawing on donations from both the hall residents and the community.

Between Oct. 28 and Oct. 30, Pemberton residents will go door to door in costume throughout the Charleston area requesting canned food donations.

“We’re going to set up a box in the front (of Pemberton Hall) where residents can drop off food,” she said.

Serrano said the food drive is being done in conjunction with the RHA Community Service Committee to bring attention to November as Hunger Awareness Month.

“The girls here in the hall are big on donating,” Serrano said.

Representatives from both Weller and Taylor Halls said they have turned to using root beer pong in their halls to attract residents to special events.

Taylor Hall representative Jacob Deters, a junior music major, said the familiarity of the popular party game will be a great way to integrate residents into their upcoming educational program on safe party habits.

“Root beer pong seems to be an event everyone can enjoy and have some soda,” Deters said. “We already have 40 people signed up.”

A Weller Hall representative said that the attendance at their weekly hall council was up recently when root beer pong preceded the meeting.

A Lawson Hall representative said their hall council recently decided to adjust the time of their weekly meeting with consideration of popular television programming and has since seen a rise in their attendance.

Vice President of Finance for RHA Jenna Kuehl said the charity car smash that took place on Oct. 22 to raise money for the Parent’s Club Scholarship was a success.

“We raised $58 for our car smash,” she said, “which is really good.”

Kuehl also invited RHA members to attend the Diva Drag Show, “Angels and Divas,” on Nov. 7.

“The Diva Drag Show is the second biggest event on campus next to graduation,” Kuehl said. “It’s an amazing show.”

RHA National and State Communications Coordinator Dondre Keeler announced that Residence Assistants applications are now circulating throughout campus and encouraged residents to apply.


Andrew Crivilare can be reached at 581-2581 or at [email protected].