Elections to begin after break
The Residence Hall Association presented nominations for future elections in Pemberton Hall with Spring Fling just weeks away.
A representative from National Residence Hall Honorary was the first to make announcements on behalf of RHA.
The NRHH representative announced the awards for February’s Of-the-Month awards at the RHA meeting.
One of the awards was for educational program of the month, and Voodoo Valentine’s Day received the award, which was nominated by an RHA member from Ford Hall.
Mark Hudson, director of housing and dining, spoke to RHA members on behalf of the elections and delivered a spring break message.
“We have invited 35 or so potential graduate student candidates who are looking for lots of institutions to come to next year,” Hudson said. “We’re looking to replace our former graduate students who are looking to go off and get their first full-time job.”
Hudson said there will be a gathering in Pemberton Hall’s lobby and the first group comes on March 20. Two more groups will follow, on March 24 and March 27; all start at 8 p.m.
“There will be student leaders, R.A.’s and other grads,” Hudson said. “What we’re trying to do is helping those candidates get a feel for this campus. They’re interviewing us like we’re interviewing them.”
Hudson encouraged all members of RHA to attend the session and take advantage of the meet-and-greet opportunity.
Following these events, Eastern will bring in full-time candidates for positions such as resident director, associate director and others.
Jake Nees, a junior sociology major and president of RHA, was nominated for president after being president this academic year.
“I’m only running for president,” Nees said. “It’s my third year, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know people from different halls.”
Nees said he was taken to a RHA meeting three years ago by his R.A. and encouraged to become involved.
Dondre Keeler, a sophomore family and consumer sciences major and vice-president of RHA, was nominated for the vice-president and NCC/ICC positions.
“The best thing is seeing everyone grow as leaders,” Keeler said. “My R.A. brought me to hall council and I became an RHA rep, which got me involved.”
Kristina Bultema, a senior psychology major, announced the Social Justice and Diversity committee will have a week of programs March 28-April 1.
On March 28, the committee will host a bingo night in the 7th Street Underground to help raise money for polio vaccinations.
“Bill Gates is doing an incentive where everyone that donates towards polio vaccinations, he’ll match it,” Bultema said.
Hudson said the opportunity to be on the executive board is an advantage by working with those in leadership and gaining experience working for an organization.
“For those that do it, it completes their education,” Hudson said. “It helps develop leadership skills.”
Jennifer Brown can be reached at 581-2812 or jebrown2@eiu.edu.
Elections to begin after break

Kristina Bultema, a senior psychology major and chair of the Residence Hall Association social justice and diversity commitee, gives her commitee report Thursday during the RHA meeting in Pemberton Hall. (Kimberly Foster