Senate presents resolution on voting disclosure

The Student Senate will be discussing a new resolution today that would make the votes of Student Senate members public.

The resolution deals with public disclosure of voting records.

Roberto Luna, John Poshepny, two senate members, and Brian Shields, a non-Senate Member of the Business Affairs committee, are the students who wrote the resolution.

The resolution proposes that a vote count for each piece of legislation on the table be made public on the student government website.

Luna, a junior finance major, said it would showcase to students their Student Senate members are voting the way students want them to, since many students are unable to attend the student senate meetings.

“Brian saw an idea similar to this on and he thought it would be a good idea,” Luna said.

Another resolution is asking for money for the student’s distinguished professor banquet.

At the banquet, awards will be given to professors who have been nominated by Eastern students.

The money for the banquet, if approved, will come out of the student government budget.

Jennifer Prillaman, the student vice president for academic affairs, and Holly Henry, the chairwoman of the student academic affairs committee, are presenting the resolution.

“We are asking for money for food and for plaques to award the professors,” Henry said.

Also at the meeting, Alpha Sigma Tau, an Eastern sorority, will be speaking about its upcoming philanthropy bake sale for Briana Silver, a sister who has Lemierre’s syndrome.

“We will be going to student government for help and support since they are our leaders on campus,” said Kyerstin Zapiain, a senior sociology major.

The bake sale will be at Coleman Hall the second week of April.

There will be a table set up with information about Silver and Lemierre’s syndrome.

Silver had been hospitalized since Thanksgiving break until a week ago.

“We are trying to raise money to help out her family with hospital resolutions,” said Ashley Hoogstraten, a senior communications major.

Erin Riedl can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction March 10, 2011:

Brian Shields was ncorrectly identified as a Senator. The article has been revised to state he is a non-Senate Member of the Business Affairs committee. The DEN regrets the Error.