Student Senate to further discuss parking resolution

Audience participation may be a defining factor in this week’s Student Senate meeting, where members will be voting on four resolutions.

The first resolution is the parking resolution that was introduced and tabled last week.

Student Senate Speaker Jarrod Scherle said there is no guarantee it will be voted on yet.

“We decided we wanted to hold off on voting on the resolution to get student’s opinions on it,” the senior finance major said.

During the last Student Senate meeting, members were told to go out and talk with Eastern students about the parking resolution. These opinions will be shared at the meeting.

Scherle said he believes audience participation will be a big part at the meeting.

“This meeting will be interesting and could possibly be a semester-defining meeting,” Scherle said.

The second resolution will ask for a money allocation from the student government budget to pay for plaques for the committee chairs.

“The plaques are to recognize all the hard work the committee chairs have done,” he said.

The third resolution is also asking for a money allocation from the student government budget.

Student Action Team is asking for money to have Christy Anderson, the student executive vice president and chair of the Student Action Team, and Zach Samples, the vice chairman of the Student Action Team, travel to Springfield to talk with Eric Wilber.

Wilber was the executive vice president and chair of the Student Action Team for two years.

Anderson said she wants to speak with Wilber to get advice for the student lobby day that will take place in Springfield on April.

“This lobby day is open to anyone who wants to participate in Student Action Team,” said Anderson, a senior communication disorders and sciences major.

Applications for Student Action Team will be accepted throughout the semester and are available in the Student Activity Center located in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Another resolution that may be voted on is Student Action Team asking for money to provide food for a “Legislative Luncheon” that will be on March 28.

The resolution was submitted by Anderson, Samples, Robert Mitchell, a member of Student Action Team and the legislative action chair, and Bradley Saribekian, a member of Student Action Team and the legislative research chair.

Erin Riedl can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].